CONNECT Conference

Every year university students from across Europe gather near Cologne, Germany to be equipped and inspired to better impact their local campuses for Christ. It’s eight days packed full of great fun, intense training, and spiritual fueling. These students are released back to their local campus excited and ready for a new term. They’re not just hoping to survive. They are eager to see how God will use them in the lives of classmates and colleagues through the coming semesters.

CONNECT is led by Students for Christ Europe, a pentecostal, discipleship driven organization that exists to equip university students for their calling on campus now and in the future market place. Katy and I have the privilege of being on the planning committee of this year’s conference and we can say with confidence that it will be an amazing week.

This years' theme is "Be Different." The goal is to encourage and prepare uni students to stand up for the "least of these" practically and spiritually.

If you are a university student in Europe (or not in Europe) and would like to attend, we strongly encourage you to prayerfully consider coming to Connect 2014. It runs from the 2nd-9th of August. You can get all the information you need at Check out the video below!

If you are not a university student, please pray for those attending and those facilitating various aspects of the conference. For many, this is the launching pad for their ministry. Thank you for your prayers and support.

Happy Mother's Day

It’s Mother’s Day here in Ireland. There are three mothers in my life that I’d like to thank today. 

To my mom: 

You comforted me when I was sick. You held me when I was heartbroken. You taught me how to be sensitive to others’ feelings. You taught me the value and love of books (It took awhile, but I got there). You tried your best to help me write more legibly (I didn’t give you much to work with). You helped mold me into who I am. Thank you for your years of love, caring, and wisdom. I’m so grateful Eden will have you as his Nana. I love you, mom. 

To my mother-in-law. 

You took me in as your own kid. You worked hard at making me feel welcome and loved (you succeeded). I have admired the strength, compassion, and love with which you walk through life. You raised such a wonderful daughter who is now my wife. I’m thankful that you poured your life into her. I’m thankful you helped give her a heart for missions. I’m thankful that you are Eden’s Gran. I love you, Roxanne. 

To my wife. 

Your strength and composure in the midst of life’s struggles motivates me. Your selflessness and willingness to sacrifice for our son amazes me. You have blessed me with a beautiful baby boy. You will place in him a courage and caring spirit. You will be there to catch him when he falls. You will hold him when he’s hurting. You will wipe away his tears, and you will rejoice with him in his victories. I’m so thankful that you are Eden’s mom. I love you, Katy. 

To all you mom’s, I pray blessings on you and your families today. You deserve it. 

Happy Mother’s Day!
