We capped off a great semester with two really cool events.
- Carols By Glowstick
- We were given the unique opportunity to present a carol service at Trinity Halls, a dormitory campus for Trinity College Dublin. Taking a modern approach to a candlelight service we handed out glow sticks to everyone in the room, thus the title "Carols by Glowstick". It was a fun evening celebrating Christmas through song, art, and multi-media. We had around 30 in attendance which was a success for this first-time event.
- An Alternative Christmas Carol
- This was our second year to hold this event, which took place at the Trinity College Dublin Chapel. The Unity Gospel Choir provided the music and we provided a few readings and videos, all aimed at leading the audience to embrace the true meaning of Christmas. The choir did a tremendous job mixing in classic Christmas tunes with less-conventional yet creative songs to fit the evening.
I couldn't think of a better way to close out the fall school term. I'd like to say a big thanks to Julian Hamilton, the Methodist Chaplain at Trinity College. It's always a pleasure working with him as we partner together on all these events.
Thank you for all your prayers and support. You are making a difference in Dublin Ireland. God bless you and your family as we hit the Christmas season full swing.